Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Finally, the Install


Moo Bear started her Sisterlocks™ install on Saturday September 28th and ended on October 17th. My previous blog was inadvertently erased, so I will recap as much as possible.

Waiting to start

She was totally ready for this, but neither of us was ready for the length of the process. The install took about 25-30 hours of in-chair time over the course of 3.5 weeks, due to our schedules and the fact that she could only sit for 2-3 hours at a time. Given that she is an active 5 year old, MB did remarkably well!

Her consultant was easygoing and took her time to accommodate long lunches, potty breaks, and even crying at points because this was taking "so long".

Day 1

Day 2

Given the amount of time, the results were lovely! We've been having a lot of fun with her hair. She finally gets to wear it "down".



More on hairwashing later...

