Her hair has grown a great deal and she LOVE'S it! Her locs were installed October 2013. We appreciate the low daily maintenance for school and sports activities.
She went to camp without us this Summer and her hair was not an issue. It just got very dirty, but that's what shampoo is for.
I am still her "consultant" and recommend that a parent or guardian living with their girl tighten her hair for several reasons.
1. It is unnecessarily hard for little ones to sit for up to 3 hours at a time for a retightening. Take the time to make her feel comfortable as a way to reinforce the notion that her hair is neither a) a problem to be solved nor b) an inconvenience to be overcome.
2. It is a great time to bond, talk, and love on your daughter. My daughter now brings the tightening tool and her water bottle so we can "do some locs" before she goes to bed. Sometimes we watch TV, sometimes we don't. All the time she lays her head on a pillow on my lap and we talk, laugh, and snuggle.
3. It's helped me hone my retightening chops. We don't do her whole head at one time. It is always in sections and over several days or weeks.
4. Last, it is free. I need my hair retightened by a professional and it would cost that much more in time and money if she were to go as well.
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